
​We at All Saints' Catholic Primary School are committed to providing a Catholic education for all children whose parents desire it.

We aim to provide a holistic education based on Catholic values through a partnership with parents, teachers and staff, the community, Brisbane Catholic Education, and Government agencies.  To provide a quality education we rely on​ Government funding and school fees.

2024 Fees & Levies – Years Prep to 6 

This year an Annual Prep Levy of $50.00 will be applied. This equates to less than $1.00 per week for prep families and will ensure that early intervention resources are made available to the prep students. 

No. of Students 


Capital Levy 

EA Levy 

Stationery Levy 

IT Levy 

P&F Levy 



per Term 





$ 75.00 




$  540.00 









$  775.00 









$  927.50 











  • Payable per Term is the total of all tuition and levies divided by our 4 school terms 

  • Other Charges are listed below 

  • Tuition & Capital Levy has increased by 5% ​

What is included in the fees:

  • ​Tuition costs
  • Booklist items - the school organises this completely.​​​​
  • Minor curriculum-related excursions, incursions and cultural activities.
  • Some aspects of the specialised Physical Education program - dancing, golf, etc.​
  • Copying costs.
  • Arts and crafts lessons and expenses.​
  • Capital Levy.
  • IT devices and maintenance.
  • Education Activity​ Levy and Stationery Levy.​

The only extra expense will be textbooks, special activities and camps that happen throughout the year, however, All Saints’ endeavours to keep these charges to a minimum.

Other Voluntary Levies/Charges

  • P&F Levy (per student, per year) = $100 (tax deductible)


The Capital Levy is charged per family and is the contribution towards our Building and Improvement Levy. The Levy is not tax deductible. 

The Resource Levy includes the following:

  • The Educational Activity Levy is charged per student and covers whole school, year level and class activities. 
  • The Stationery Levy is charged per student and covers the costs of all stationery used throughout the year. 

The IT Levy is charged per student. These charges will cover the school’s expenses for any hardware, software and IT technical support. This levy will ensure that students have 1:1 access to a device and relevant educational software. 

Fee Concession Policy and Procedure

Parents/guardians experiencing temporary financial hardship should contact All Saints’ to discuss arrangements. A Fees Concession application form is required to be completed and all documentation is as stated on the Fees Concession Application form. 

Fees Concessions are not ongoing and application needs to be re-submitted at the commencement of each school year.

School Fees Billing Procedure

An account of full fees and levies will be issued by the school at the beginning of each term, payable three weeks after the date of issue. All Saints’ may grant an extension of time for payment of term fees. A request for an extension of time to pay is required in writing to our Principal before the due date.​ For more information, please download the 2024 Fees & Levies.  Fees can be paid via cash, cheque, BPay, Direct Debit and credit card.

Do you have a question? Please email our friendly team to help you further: pboonah@bne.catholic.edu.au